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Forsaken Desire -a Final Fantasy VII RPG :: Eastern Continent :: Midgar :: Shinra Inc. Headquarters :: Lian Jian Feng Yun Lu - View Topic
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Lian Jian Feng Yun Lu (13th Jan 23 at 2:47am UTC)
Unexpectedly, it was so easy that the two masters were separated in one fell swoop. Qingyun Taoist threw three Zhangs away, although the fall was not heavy, but it was a shame, Guan Shenlongyan could kill the other side. Life, by Huo Tiandu so a stir, failure, also vent their anger to Huo Tiandu, but his own side of the people in the first. Huo Tiandu separated them without favoritism, and he could not find a way to blame Huo Tiandu. By this time Ling Yunfeng had already arrived at the scene. Guan Shenlong was in a rage. He immediately said in a loud voice, "The virtuous couple will come out. Let's do it again." Continue the battle before the day. Huo Tiandu said with a smile, "Don't you want to have a rest?" Guan Shenlong took a breath and thought to himself that his true strength had been consumed. Some, at least can fight with their husband and wife one or two hundred strokes, he looked at the sky, about less than half an hour, reinforcements can arrive. Later, according to the predetermined plan, he must put off until that time, and self-confidence can also be put off until that time, then happy to show pride. He was so angry that he laughed and said, "In this battle, I have never had any trouble. Why should I rest?"? Huo Daxia, you are too underestimating me! How did Huo Tiandu know that they had another deadly plan? He didn't want to take advantage of Guan Shenlong. He squinted and saw that Qingyun Taoist was also waiting for the sword. Besides, he also glared at him and said with a smile, "Since the elder must give me some advice, I would like to invite this Taoist master to join us." The foolish couple are also two people, and they don't suffer from each other. When Guan Shenlong signed a contract with Huo Tiandu and his wife outside the Hangzhou Building, he had originally made an appointment to fight Huo Tiandu's husband again. Wife's "double sword wall", he is a senior identity, with one enemy two, said or took advantage of the younger generation, now listen to Huo Tian They all proposed to use two against two. In order to take into account his status as a senior, he should have maintained the original proposal, but on second thought, this could be even more delayed. Perhaps he could defeat Huo Tiandu and his wife. Pretending to think about it, he asked the Taoist Qingyun, "What do you think, Brother Dao?"? These two are Tianshan Huo Daxia Huo Tiandu and his wife. They have two swords together. They once fought with the elder Qiao Beimo. Qing When the Taoist Yun heard that it was Huo Tiandu, he was awestruck. Just as he was afraid that Guan Shenlong would not fight two enemies, he said, "I have always looked up to Huo Daxia." Woman,Pi tape measure, the sword against the enemy, the swordsmanship is mysterious, and the poor way has been learned for a long time. It's getting late now, so it's better to have two games. At the end of the game, Master Huo's words are right in my heart. By this time, Shi Jingtao had already retreated and was still watching the battle on the sidelines. His sword wound was only a little cut through his flesh. On the golden sore elixir, the bleeding had already stopped. He had tried the skills of the four men in the field. He smiled at Chengzhu and said, "This?" Even if the old cripple has not spent a game with me, he may not be the opponent of Master Huo and his wife. Now he has overrated himself, even if he has added This bull nose, I am sure that after three hundred strokes at most, they will be defeated. Yu Chengzhu has the same opinion as Shi Jingtao, but On second thought, how could he be willing to challenge Huo Tiandu and his wife after consuming his true strength in order to manage Shenlong's crafty old man? A cloud of suspicion. At this time, four people in the field, divided into two sides, are already shining their swords. With a long roar, Guan Shenlong's single arm vibrated, and the tip of his sword shook. Out of hissing sound, Huo Tiandu see him after the fierce battle, Wheel tape measure ,Surveyors tape measure, still have such skill, also secretly admire, the current horizontal sword when the chest, dare not Underestimate the enemy, defend first and attack later. Ling Yunfeng saw that Qingyun Taoist was a weaker link, and then took the offensive. The green steel sword flashed in the air and drew a half-way arc. Shape, a move "black bird scratch sand", horizontal cut Qingyun Taoist's wrist. Taoist Qingyun is an expert swordsman in Jianghu. But also have never seen such fantastic swordsmanship, surprised, hurriedly turned around, only to hear a swish, Ling Yunfeng's green. The steel sword was almost cut close to his arm, but fortunately he dodged well and broke his wrist and arm. Ling Yunfeng missed a sword, followed by the second sword, at this time, but heard a sound of gold and iron, shaking the ear drum. Buzzing, looking back, I saw Huo Tiandu and Guan Shenlong's double swords intersected, Huo Tiandu's long sword was slightly bent downward.
The original tube Shenlong skill deep Zhan, although after the fierce battle, still a little higher than Huo Tiandu, Ling Yunfeng forced to relax Qingyun Taoist, backhand one Sword, used a move "Hong Ya clap shoulder", two swords in one, power steep increase, immediately put the dragon's sword swing open, a sword on the thorn. Eyes, cut knees with a sword. Guan Shenlong got up and kicked Ling Yunfeng's wrist with a sword. He had lost his left arm. After that, while practicing single-handed swordsmanship, he practiced the kungfu of both legs, which seemed to make up for the regret of missing arms. Lingyun phoenix sword, such as the wind, shout: "Good coming!" Sword potential oblique copy, the front style unchanged, still a sword cut down, Ling Yunfeng has avoided the front, Guan Shenlong if the body shape. No change, a kick, it is like sending up to let her cut off. The movements of both sides were approaching the extreme, and Guan Shenlong's left foot stepped on the instep of his right foot, and suddenly his right foot retracted and his left foot propped out. With a howl, Ling Yunfeng's green steel sword was being cut against the soles of his shoes and was supported by him. Ling Yunfeng was struck by this fierce force. Shock, the sword almost flew away, back a few steps, in this moment, Guan Shenlong in midair a turn, "clang" one. Sound, and grid opened Huo Tiandu to stab a sword. Relying on years of hard training, Guan Shenlong narrowly escaped death and was scared out of a cold sweat. Moreover, Rao was him. The solution is appropriate, also has been Huo Tiandu grabbed the first hand, his body is not stable, but feel behind the cold air, Huo Tiandu like a shadow, early. Tracked down. Ling Yunfeng and her husband after several joint swords against the enemy, a more skillful cooperation, Guan Shenlong originally estimated that he was the most. Less than two hundred strokes can be dealt with, but after fifty strokes, they are already left and right, unable to do what they want. Qingyun Taoist is even worse, he Hiding behind Guan Shenlong, with Guan Shenlong's figure, dodging here and there,Adhesive fish ruler, Guan Shenlong has taken the other side's power seven or eight times out of ten, he He still felt very laborious and nearly hit the sword several times. All the heroes were so excited that Shi Jingtao lifted his beard and said with a smile, "No wonder Zhang Danfeng decided that Huo Tiandu would be a general ten years ago.".
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